Bengals Passionate about Education (BPE) is a student led club that provides volunteer opportunities, social events, and informational workshops for all education majors and those interested in education. BPE provides opportunities to volunteer with, and learn about all students, including those with exceptionalities.
Serving as a PDS Student Representative (PDS Rep) is a rewarding, collaborative, and educational experience through which students build their resumes, develop their teacher candidate voice, and take advantage of opportunities for professional development and networking. Visit the PDS Student Representatives page to learn more!
IPDS North America: Maine is an internship program for Buffalo State teacher candidates that provides an immersive 1-week internship at the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), a K-8 independent demonstration school that focuses on workshop approaches to literacy learning, small class sizes, respect for children, relationships of trust between faculty and parents, and programs that engage and prepare students for life.
The International Professional Development Schools (IPDS) consortium provides short-term, faculty-led programs into classrooms across the world. Buffalo State participants globalize their understanding and experience of education by exploring education and classrooms and working with teachers and children in over 10 countries.
IPDS Student Ambassadors share their knowledge and enthusiasm about international travel and recruit their peers by facilitating class presentations and open house events, and using social media to share the experiences of IPDS alumni, as well as opportunities and pathways for engaging future participants. Visit the IPDS Student Ambassador page to view alumni and learn how to become an ambassador.
Professional Development Schools
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